Med Norsel till Maudheim och Antarktis - den norsk-brittisk-svenska vetenskapliga expeditionen till Antarktis 1949-1952
John Giæver & Valter Schytt ✸ 1952 ✸ 1st (Swedish) ed.
ENG The Norwegian–British–Swedish Antarctic Expedition (also known as NBSX or NBSAE) (1949–1952) was the first Antarctica expedition involving an international team of scientists. The expedition was led by John Schjelderup Giæver, a Norwegian author and polar researcher. The expedition had the goal of establishing whether climatic fluctuations observed in the Arctic were also occurring in the Antarctic. A base known as Maudheim was established on the Quar Ice Shelf along the coast of Queen Maud Land in February 1950. This expedition laid the groundwork for the following Australian expeditions to Antarctic from 1954 to the early 1960s.
The expedition was transported aboard a 600-ton sealer named Norsel that was powered by a German U-boat diesel engine. This ship was used in conjunction with a 24,000 ton whaling factory ship named Thorshovdi. The larger ship was needed because the Norsel was too small to carry all the needed equipment and supplies for the Antarctic expedition. In addition to both ships, two light Auster aircraft intended for reconnaissance were included on the expedition. The Norsel made three round-trips to the Antarctic, with subsequent visits accompanied by a Norwegian and a Swedish flying unit to assist with aerial photography.
The information obtained from the expedition helped with the further study of glaciology, meteorology, and geology. It found that the world's "sea-level was principally controlled by the state of the Antarctic ice-sheet." It also improved the understanding of the impact of the Antarctic ice-sheets on the regulation of the world's climate. It also found evidence that suggest a portion of Antarctica (Dronning Maud Land) was once joined to southern Africa. Further scientific studies have also found strong evidence that eastern Antarctica was adjacent to southern Africa until the late Jurassic period.
English edition titled "The White Desert: The Official Account of the Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition".
SWE Den Norsk-brittisk-svenska Antarktisexpeditionen (även känd som NBSX eller NBSAE, på norska Maudheimekspedisjonen) pågick från 1949 till 1952 och var den första expeditionen till Antarktis med internationellt samarbete. Manskapet var sammansatt av personer från Norge, Sverige och det Brittiska samväldet.
Expeditionen blev en modell för senare expeditioner till Antarktis och ett viktigt motiv till det internationella geofysiska året 1957/58 och skapandet av den internationella kommittén för Antarktisforskning (Scientific Committee of Antarctic Science, SCAR).
Expeditionens huvudbas, Maudheim, låg på shelfisen utanför kusten av Drottning Mauds land på det område som Norge gjort anspråk på sedan precis före andra världskriget. Norge var angeläget att medelst vetenskap politiskt markera sin närvaro för att stärka sina anspråk på ett område ofantligt mycket större än Norge självt. Förutom att skaffa en överblick och kartlägga området geografiskt var huvudsyftet att genomföra en rad vetenskapliga undersökningar med särskild inriktning på om eventuella klimatförändringar likt de som observerats i Arktis även förekom i Antarktis.
1st (Swedish) edition published same year as Norwegian one, "Maudheim: To år i Antarktis - den norsk-britisk-svenske vitenskapelige ekspedisjon til Antarktis 1949-1952".