Roald Amundsen
Odd Arnesen ✸ 1932 ✸ 1st Swedish ed.
ENG This book (approximate English translation of the original Norwegian title is "Roald Amundsen as he was") attempts to give a picture of the man and the person Roald Amundsen. The book does not attempt to depict his journeys north and south, east and west - he himself has depicted them with incomparable mastery. After the researcher's disappearance in the Arctic Ocean in the summer of 1928, this book was written in 1929 (originally in Norwegian). A book about Roald Amundsen - who was always active, always busy, always on the march forward - could not be written and sent out before he had finished his brilliant life.
SWE Boken försöker ge en bild av mannen och personen Roald Amundsen. Boken försöker inte beskriva hans resor i norr och söder, i öster och väster – han har själv beskrivit dem med makalös behärskning. Efter forskarens försvinnande i Ishavet sommaren 1928 skapades denna bok 1929 (på norska). En bok om Roald Amundsen, som alltid var i rörelse, alltid upptagen, alltid på marsch framåt.
1st Swedish edition (original in Norwegian, "Roald Amundsen som han var", 1929).