
Adventures in the Arctic

Richard Gill Montgomery, Errol Lorne Knight 1932 1st ed.

ENG Narrative taken from the diary of Errol Lorne Knight (1893-1923), who sailed on the Polar Bear in 1915 and later joined the Canadian Arctic Expedition, accompanying Vilhjalmur Stefansson on his journeys of exploration in the northern and western Canadian archipelago. He was a member of the failed Stefansson Arctic Exploration and Development Company expedition to Wrangel Island in 1921. The diaries of Lorne Knight were picked up on Wrangel Island after the author's death in 1923. Much controversy surrounded the diaries because certain pages were marked up and/or removed by Harold Noice after his rescue expedition to Wrangel Island.

1st edition (in English). Originally published under the title "Pechuck" same year.
