
A voyage towards the South Pole

performed in the years 1822-1824: containing an examination of the Antarctic Sea to the seventy-fourth degree of latitude, and a visit to Tierra del Fuego with a particular account of the inhabitants

James Weddell 1827 2nd ed.

ENG An account of the first expedition to have wintered in the Antarctic regions. Weddell sailed further south than anyone before him and discovered the sea in the South Ocean which is now named after him. This work is interesting not only as the record of a voyage to what was then and for long after the highest southern latitude reached, but also as giving a survey of the South Shetlands, where many of the names - as 'Boyd's Straits,' 'Duff's Straits,' 'Sartorius Island' - recall the names of the captains with whom Weddell had served.

2nd edition (in English; 1st edition in 1825).


For detailed charts see here.