
The Realm of the Ice King

Thomas Frost 1874 1st ed.

ENG "The attempts which have been made to penetrate the Realm of the Ice King and explore its secrets hold a high place in the records of maritime adventure.

In dauntless courage, stern devotion to duty, and skillful seamanship, the Arctic voyagers have been unsurpassed.

An attempt is made in he following pages to bring together all the narratives of of Arctic voyages and explorations from the earliest times down to our own day. Beginning with the Norsemen who, in the dim dawn of modern history, discovered Greenland, no important expedition is omitted till we reach the account of the loss of the yacht Eira. Full details are also given of later expeditions which have greatly increased our knowledge of Arctic lands."

A condensed summary of all expeditions to the Polar seas, up to Payer’s Austrian-Hungarian Polar Expedition (1872-74), which was under way when this book was written.

1st edition (in English).
