Heroes of the Polar Seas
A Record of Exploration in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas
J. Kennedy Maclean ✸ 1910 ✸ 1st ed.
ENG "The following pages tell with some detail the thrilling story of Arctic and Antarctic endeavour, from the very beginning of the long succession of enterprises right up to the present times. As we read, we see how throughout these long and weary years of effort the dauntless spirit of man refused to accept the defeats which Nature inflicted with such steady and painful persistancy. Baffled in one direction, the lion-hearted race of explorers renewed the attempt in another; when one method failed a new one was evolved, and thus, step by step, the area of the unknown became gradually reduced in extent." - excerpt from the book.
The book includes chapters on the search for the North-West passage, Sir John Franklin's fatal expedition and it's accomplishment, tragic Jeannette expedition, discoveries of Franz Jozef Land and the North-East passage, Nansen's Farthest North, Peary's polar struggles and victory, captain Scott's expedition in the Discovery, Shackleton's Farthest South and other accounts of polar exploration.
1st edition (in English).